
Ipoh Adventure

This is a adventure that I never thought would be so interesting and challenging. Challenging for me and not the children haha.

First the the long drive from Singapore to Ipoh. Surprisingly I enjoyed the drive, except the 1st part of the journey (JB to Malacca as the road condition wasn't that good. It is noisy and only 2 lanes). From Malacca onward the road was in good condition and spread to 3 lanes offering smooth, quite, easy and safe drive all the way to Ipoh.

Upon reaching Ipoh we stop by Ipoh famous cave temples. It was truely beautiful and awsome.


Thereafter we went straight to regalodge hotel and check in.Having a good night rest we proceed to Gopeng for our white water rafting adventure with nomad adventure.

As this was the first time we are trying out white water rafting, nomad crew gave us a complete briefing on what and what not to do during our ride down the river (about 1 hr 30 min). Oh... this is part of their ISO process :) . 

This is Clarissa swimming toward shore for the start of the white water warm up. I mean cold warm up, cause the water is freezing cold eeeee ...

This is Serene floating away ~  hahaha :D rescued by the safety rope.

This is our ride down the river, Clarissa fall off the dinggy and this is the rapid that most people fall off. Guess she fall because she is very light.

wow that was great fun, the river rapids was classified as scale 1 to 3. You are watching us drown in scale 3 drop, fully submersed in the river before begin thrown out and up. Don' worry this is the most difficult part of the river and the rest are easy rapids down the river. 

Cave at Gua Tempurung
While the white water rafting is exciting the cave exploration is just as fun. This is the photo shot before we go into the cave.

Total about 650 steps toward the insdie of the cave.   
Here is what you will experience when you go on a wet cave tour ... real cool, I really mean it :). Get ready to get wet and go with a waterproof camera ..

Not to forget we had also rough ourself with the high rope and flying fox packages with Nomad Adventure. Nothing to shout about or scare of ... haha

Before we left Ipoh for Malacca for a night stop over. We stop by the famous ghost house of Ipoh " Kellie's Castle". Althought I didn't capture any ghosts in my pictures the pictures are nice enough for your imagination :)

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