
Golf Tips "How to break 90"

This is my first attempt writing about golf. After playing the game for a good 20+ years I still find the game intriguing and challenging. I had successfully in the first time played below 90 , in fact 85 and 88 on my last Hainan Golf Vacation using my technique.

Most beginners will find it difficult to start but once you got the hang of it, it is still challenging. It is like a stock market, sometime you have a good ride but then the next day is a disastrous outing. It is so frustrating that many gave up the game before they ever really got the hang of it. Which is a great lost to everyone.

I do not profess to be an excellent golfer but found a simple and new formula to have a good and consistence game everyday. I had been asking myself why I didn’t found this technique earlier or else I would have enjoy my game more ;). But then it is through all the difficult years and many round of golf throughout Asia that I slowly tune and re-tune till I found this unique and simple “Golf Swing Made Easy”. Not to forget the many golf improvement books that I had bought and tried.

My formula work for beginner to the intermediate and it will really help you in being more consistences. I am not writing those entire long Golf manual to bore and confuse player but rather a very simple technique to be consistence. At the same time I am not going to sell it but rather giving it out free on the net. What I am asking is your donation if you find that my technique had helped you improved your game and reduces your handicap. The donation will help me maintained add more feature to the site. Do assist to tell your friend to visit my site so that they could also benefits from my “golf swing make simple”.

Grip :
A lot had been said about the different type of grips, interlock, base ball grip etc. What I recommend is a grip that you feel comfortable in and that you do not feel the need to grip it so tightly that the club won’t fly away with your swing.

“Insert some picture of different type of grips” Coming Soon :)

This is part 1 “fundamental” in having a consistence swing.
It is the Rotation Axis where the swing plane rotates. You need to have a straight-backbone “Rotation Axis” to start with. It doesn’t matter if you are fat, thin, tall or short. You still can achieve in having a Straight- backbone. It is very easy to achieve this posture but it would look odd in the beginning but you will find it comfortable after a while.

1) Stand straight
2) Push out your tummy
3) Push out your buttock
4) Bend your knee slightly.

This is part 1 “Key” in having a consistence swing.

A lot of golfer tends to swing hard thinking that by doing that they could hit further. By doing that they are in fact causing the reverse. That is hitting it shorter and inconsistent swing. How can that be?

Science of Golf said that the distance = the club head speed. What does that mean?

To be continued .... Akang Datang

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