
Xiamen - A Trip back in time

This is one of the special trip. Why? As I am hoping to seek out my ancestral home, the roots of my family.

With only my grandfather's and father's name, I hope to find and visit my father homeland in China. In what they call "Old Home'. To guide me along, will be my brother god-father (BGF). He is already 80+ years old and a buddy of my father from the same village, Yong Chun. Coming along with us will be his son, Benson, who is also my childhood friend.

We flew directly to Xiamen from Singapore on China Airline. From there my BGF son-in-law with pick us at Xiamen and drove us directly to Yong Chun, which is about 3 hours car ride.

Along the way, we stop for lunch. Wow my BGF order such a wide varities of food it can feed a family of 10. I wonder what was he thinking of when he order all those dishes. He must be thinking we Singaporean are "yao kui"s. hahaha. Anyway we we are only able to finish half of the serving.

The rest of the drive is plain boring and we took a nap along the way, more like falling asleep watching the farms, hills, river pass by.

I managed to capture some rather blur shots along the way, as he drove like Michael Schumacher.